Urge to kill rising. Wally is Hangry (Hungry and therefore Angry, phrase brought to you by the Goates'). All I can think about is two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, whatever other stuff you want to put on and a sesame seed bun. The more I think about it the more inanimate objects turn into it. I think I've eaten a tape dispenser and the cushion to my already under padded office chair. There is only one thing that can stop me when this close to engaging in a feeding frenzy.
A Jedi. Jedi Master Qui Gon Jin once said "Your focus determines your reality." How true this is. If you ever get a chance to talk to a race car driver and you ask him about being afraid of crashing into the wall, chances are he will say that he doesn't look at the wall, he looks where he is driving next. You can infer from that logic that if you look at the wall while pushing 200 mph you will drive there. Quickly.
People have powerful minds but even with that power we still allow our appetites to lead and steer us. We are like a horse and the rider is a combination of our conscience, intellect, intuition and appetites. If we let our appetites override the three other parts then it will always steer us toward Burger King. So we keep our appetites in check by focusing with all our might on a very, very specific goal. I don't care if you are not an artist, draw your goal. If you need to cut and paste a picture of a muscly guys body with your head attached, then post it in a place that you will see it several times a day. When you look at it say "That is me in (however many days you have left to meet your goal)."
We will have cravings for what we are cutting out of our life. We may not feel like we have the willpower to lift the next weight or jog the next step. At those times, remember your goal. Your focus will determine your reality. You can't argue with a Jedi.
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