Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Scouting It

Last night as I was lying on my couch I was thinking about a couple of things.
1- Was taking the "high road" and eating a few tangerines instead of having fishsticks with my wife a wise idea?
2- Were there any fishsticks left over? (If yes see 2b)
2b- Would they taste good with ketchup? (Answer: Everything tastes good with enough ketchup.)
3- What can help me be successful in getting skinny this time instead of ending in another failure?

I was thinking about some of the posts on my facebook after putting up day one. (Thanks for reading by the way!) The general consensus seems to be that people get tired of being tired. Being overweight certainly is not an invigorating experience and after trying my hand at any physical activity these days I am exhausted and disappointed in my performance. Those results make absolute sense when you consider I'm literally carrying the weight of another person.

I do not like dividing my life's timeline into Pre-Fat and Fat eras. I'm too young for my glory days to be in the past. We all are. So what to do?

About ten years ago I noticed a phenomenon occurring within my little brothers' group of friends. I largely avoided this group because my brothers and I didn't get along and therefore I didn't get along with their friends, but what I noticed during this time has made a lasting impression on my life. As guys do they would tell each other something " I did xy and z", or "She said that...." and inevitably everyone in the group would call bull. The person telling the story would then begin to attempt to convince the others of the truth, "No man, I PROMISE that I did xy and z", or "Dude, I SWEAR she said that!!!!". No dice, the others would still largely be in disbelief. Three words would change that. "I scout it." This combined with the scout hand sign of right hand up to the square with the index, middle and ring fingers pointed up while the pinkie and the thumb curled to the center of the palm, locked in the promise. The entire groups demeanor changed and the teller was then totally believed.
To them Boy Scouts was largely a joke, but the oath of "Scouting It" was deadly serious. I have been thinking about that ever since and have come up with it's practical application in my life. The official Boy Scout Oath begins with "On My Honor..." and then lists a series of promises. Scouting it is the most severe non religious promise one can make to me because it involves my honor and keeping it intact. What better way to commit to losing weight?
So today I am Scouting It.
I will not drink any more soda or energy drinks.
I will not eat over 1800 calories in a day.
I will not go back for seconds.
I will not eat fast food.
I will work out 2-3 times a week for at least an hour per session.
I will lose this weight.
On My Honor, I Scout It.

I wish this entry was more humorous. They will be in the future, but when making decisions like this we must be deadly serious. Feel free to comment, or post what you Scout It to do.


  1. We have hardly known each other in this life, but I remember you from high school. I find your blog inspiring and motivating! Keep up the great attitude, and you will succeed! Best of luck to you! I'll follow your journey along! Congrats on your boys, by the way. They are adorable.

  2. I scout it:
    1- No more fast food (subway is okay)
    2- No more energy drinks or soda
    3- Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    4- Do my EA Sports 3 times a week for 30 min
    5- No more candy
    6- No eating past 8PM
    On my honor, I scout it!!

  3. My two cents: buy the books from Biggest Loser and follow their advice... have you ever watched that show? EVERYBODY gets skinnier! After I had a baby a couple years ago, I bought those books, did what they said and lost 40 pounds in about 5 months. Good luck, Travis!
